Four Years Later …

A loss always seems fresh, even when the calendar tells me otherwise. Depression can really sneak up on you.  It’s not like you wake up one day with all of the symptoms, pull out your checklist, make an appointment with a doctor, talk it out for 30 minutes, swallow a pill, and call it a[…]

Thank You

co-9A most heartfelt thank you to everyone that supported the Benny Fund in 2016.  A special thank you to our board member Margo Giambarresi, Nicole Laino, Capital One, and the Pay It Forward program for an incredibly generous donation of $5,000.  Last week in New York, I had the honor of meeting wonderful people from an organization that not only strives to be great, but good.

There were 42,773 suicides in the last reported year in the US, 117 a day, one every twelve minutes.  Each statistic is a mother, father, son, daughter, sister, friend, and in my case, my little brother.   For me, this mission is clearly personal.  The Benny Fund was borne in response to a tragedy that I, quite frankly, had no idea how to deal with.  It was something I could focus on to get me through my days when I was utterly lost and heartbroken.  Turning grief into action was the only way that I could move forward.


Every 13 minutes a Robin Williams

“I say that it is our collective responsibility to advocate for mental health because those that suffer from a mental illness may not have the ability to understand what is happening to them nor do they have the ability to think in a “rational” manner. Additionally, doctors do not always know how to properly diagnose[…]