Every 13 minutes a Robin Williams

“I say that it is our collective responsibility to advocate for mental health because those that suffer from a mental illness may not have the ability to understand what is happening to them nor do they have the ability to think in a “rational” manner. Additionally, doctors do not always know how to properly diagnose[…]

There’s Nothing Selfish About Suicide

“People who say that suicide is selfish always reference the survivors. It’s selfish to leave children, spouses and other family members behind, so they say. They’re not thinking about the survivors, or so they would have us believe. What they don’t know is that those very loved ones are the reason many people hang on[…]

Deadly Stigma: Robin Williams’ Suicide Exposes Silent Epidemic

“The alarming part, say researchers, is that suicide remains an untamed cause of death. Heart disease, cancer, HIV, most infectious diseases, almost every kind of accident: they’re all in relatively steep decline, while suicide floats along, or even rises.” Read the Full Article Source: NBC News

Robin Williams’s death: a reminder that suicide and depression are not selfish

“However, despite the tremendous amount of love and admiration for Williams being expressed pretty much everywhere right now, there are still those who can’t seem to resist the opportunity to criticize, as they do these days whenever a celebrated or successful person commits suicide. You may have come across this yourself; people who refer to[…]

Mental Health in Schools Act of 2013

Ask your representatives to push for this bill.  Their inaction costs lives.   “One in five youth in the United States experience mental illness, and 70 percent of adolescents with mental health problems do not receive care. Over the last two decades, suicide rates have doubled among Americans between the ages of 10 and 14.[…]

Can We Let Go of These Mental Illness Stereotypes?

“This post is for those who believe the stereotypes about mental illness. This post is for those who assume that mental illness means that one is useless, incapable of rational thought, unable to function in society, and devoid of a pleasant demeanor. I am here to confirm that mental illness does not always manifest obviously.”[…]

Seven Reasons Why the Mental Health Stigma Is a Killer

“One in four people – so on average, someone in the typical two parent, two children family – will suffer from a mental illness at some point in their lifetime. Yet even though so many people are affected, mental illness carries a devastating stigma, which can harm sufferers in every aspect of their life. In[…]

People With Mental Illness Need a Stonewall Inn: Only if they come out of the closet can we address the mental health care crisis

“We are responsible for the lack of progress made in terms of diagnosing and treating mental illness because we’ve successfully hidden the magnitude of the problem. Why should Congress or state legislatures allocate funds to fix a problem that flies under the radar? Today, there are more people in our country whose lives have been[…]

Join us for Benny’s Run 2014!

Sign-Up Now! The Benny Fund will sponsor the second annual Benny’s Run (10K, 5K, Kids Fun Run) on October 04, 2014 in East Hampton, CT. We welcome all runners, walkers, and volunteers of all ages. Benny’s Run was established in 2013, in rememberance of Benjamin J. Neiweem, an EHHS graduate, who passed away at the age of[…]