Sarah Silverman Opens Up About Depression, Comedy And Troublemaking

“Sarah Silverman is best-known for her comedy. But the new film I Smile Back is a drama, in which she plays a woman who suffers from profound depression.  It’s a subject with which the comedian is intimately familiar.  Silverman tells Fresh Air‘s Terry Gross that she first experienced depression as a young teen. “The depression[…]

Lady Gaga’s Outlook On Anxiety Is Genuinely Refreshing

“Lady Gaga is using her public status for good by sharing a message of hope for those who suffer from mental health conditions. The singer and “American Horror Story” actress chronicled her own anxiety and depression in Billboard magazine this week, stressing that young adults dealing with the same issues are not alone in their experience. “I’ve suffered[…]

$30 Million Program to Help Low-Income New Yorkers Get Mental Health Care

“New York is set to begin a $30 million program aimed at providing mental health services to low-income residents with little or no access to care.  The program, Connections to Care, will tap existing community organizations that reach low-income residents but are not providing mental health services. Chirlane McCray, chairwoman of the Mayor’s Fund to[…]

Campus Suicide and the Pressure of Perfection

“America’s culture of hyperachievement among the affluent has been under scrutiny for at least the last decade, but recent suicide clusters, including the deaths of three high school students and one recent graduate in Palo Alto, Calif., have renewed the debate. “In the Name of College! What Are We Doing to Our Children?” blared a[…]

Brains of People with Recurrent Depression Have a Significantly Smaller Hippocampus

“Published in Molecular Psychiatry, the ENIGMA study is co-authored by University of Sydney scholars at the Brain and Mind Research Institute.  The research is the largest international study to compare brain volumes in people with and without major depression. It highlights the need to identify and treat depression effectively when it first occurs, particularly among[…]

Mom Opens Up About Daughter’s Suicide: ‘I Didn’t Know My Child’

‘The numbers are tragically high: every year, approximately 2 million U.S. adolescents attempt to end their own lives. An estimated 2,000 succeed, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness…Yet suicide experts say it’s not uncommon for parents to be taken completely by surprise by a child’s depression and suicide and learn about the factors[…]

New HBO Doc MY DEPRESSION Wants Us to Open Up

“Depression. Anxiety. Emotions!!! We’ve been talking about all of them on Smart Girls a lot lately because frankly, we think it’s time to put an end to the stigma around mental health. Another Smart Girl who is looking to end the stigma around depression is author, musician, and all around artistic lady Elizabeth Swados. After[…]

The Semicolon Project

“So if one out of every four people struggle with mental illness, then why did I feel like I was they only person who had ever experienced this before? If 25 of every hundred people I pass on the street have a clinical need for psychiatric care, then why did I feel like I had[…]