How to Talk to a Depressed Person: What to Say and How to Help

“If you know someone who has depression, you might have found yourself at a loss for what to say. You might even fear that if you say the wrong thing, you could make it worse. As someone who has depression, I can tell you that you’ve already done something brilliant: you care enough to want[…]

Stand Up Kid, Stand Up Teacher – talking about mental health in a school

“I continued to speak and got across the message of the importance of feeling free to speak to others about mental health. I had 200 13 and 14 year olds, looking shocked that statistically 1 in 10 children and young people has a mental health issue, that equates to three in every class room. I[…]

How Mental Illness Fed My Creativity

“There’s no romance to mental illness. Whether you’re suffering from psychosis or schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or depression, the realities of mental ill-health often mean a life disrupted by isolation, harrowing symptoms, hospitalizations, discrimination and despair.” Read the Full Article Source: Huffington Post

The Antidepressant Generation

“Antidepressants are an excellent treatment for depression and anxiety. I’ve seen them improve — and sometimes save — many young lives. But a growing number of young adults are taking psychiatric medicines for longer and longer periods, at the very age when they are also consolidating their identities, making plans for the future and navigating[…]

Why Antidepressants Won’t Solve the Depression Epidemic

“Antidepressants have had a role to play in the treatment of depression and they should continue to play a role. But the data suggests that we have been expecting far too much. In fact, when it comes to pondering solutions for depression, we’ve mostly been listening to Prozac. And all this listening has not produced[…]