There’s Nothing Selfish About Suicide

“People who say that suicide is selfish always reference the survivors. It’s selfish to leave children, spouses and other family members behind, so they say. They’re not thinking about the survivors, or so they would have us believe. What they don’t know is that those very loved ones are the reason many people hang on[…]

Deadly Stigma: Robin Williams’ Suicide Exposes Silent Epidemic

“The alarming part, say researchers, is that suicide remains an untamed cause of death. Heart disease, cancer, HIV, most infectious diseases, almost every kind of accident: they’re all in relatively steep decline, while suicide floats along, or even rises.” Read the Full Article Source: NBC News

Robin Williams’s death: a reminder that suicide and depression are not selfish

“However, despite the tremendous amount of love and admiration for Williams being expressed pretty much everywhere right now, there are still those who can’t seem to resist the opportunity to criticize, as they do these days whenever a celebrated or successful person commits suicide. You may have come across this yourself; people who refer to[…]

Young men in crisis may not be crying out for help, but it’s desperately needed

“Boys don’t cry, or at least they’re not supposed to.  Yes, the old, unreconstructed machismo that was once all too synonymous with being a man has been partly driven back; men are more likely to open up and talk about their feelings.  But discussing anxiety, depression and mental distress is still seen as weak or[…]

‘Black Box’ Warning on Antidepressants Raised Suicide Attempts

“Until that black box warning there was a progressive decrease of suicides among young people,” he says. “Now, I do think some kids are suffering because they just aren’t getting the right treatments. And for many that’s medication combined with some type of therapy.” Read the Full Article Source: NBC News, Joan Raymond

What’s Your Story? “Depression is a friend, not my enemy” by Conor Cusack

“For those people who are currently gripped by depression, either experiencing it or are supporting or living with someone with it, I hope my story helps. There is no situation that is without hope, there is no person that can’t overcome their present difficulties. For those that are suffering silently, there is help out there[…]

Conor Cusack Speaks out About Mental Health and Depression

“Former Cork, Ireland Hurler Conor Cusack was lauded last October after he spoke openly and movingly about his battle with depression and subsequent recovery in a searingly honest blog post.  Cusack has since emerged as a pioneer for addressing mental health issues in Ireland and has become a regular public speaker around the country.” “Depression is[…]

How to Talk to a Depressed Person: What to Say and How to Help

“If you know someone who has depression, you might have found yourself at a loss for what to say. You might even fear that if you say the wrong thing, you could make it worse. As someone who has depression, I can tell you that you’ve already done something brilliant: you care enough to want[…]

Stand Up Kid, Stand Up Teacher – talking about mental health in a school

“I continued to speak and got across the message of the importance of feeling free to speak to others about mental health. I had 200 13 and 14 year olds, looking shocked that statistically 1 in 10 children and young people has a mental health issue, that equates to three in every class room. I[…]