Unlocking The Brain: Are We Entering A Golden Age Of Neuroscience?

“I think we’re literally on the cusp of a complete revolution both in how we understand the brain and how we treat brain disorders.” – Neurosurgeon Emad Eskandar ‘President John F. Kennedy set the nation’s sights on the moon. Fifty years later, President Obama announced his signature science project: neuroscience, the study of the brain. […]

How to Talk to a Depressed Person: What to Say and How to Help

“If you know someone who has depression, you might have found yourself at a loss for what to say. You might even fear that if you say the wrong thing, you could make it worse. As someone who has depression, I can tell you that you’ve already done something brilliant: you care enough to want[…]

Stand Up Kid, Stand Up Teacher – talking about mental health in a school

“I continued to speak and got across the message of the importance of feeling free to speak to others about mental health. I had 200 13 and 14 year olds, looking shocked that statistically 1 in 10 children and young people has a mental health issue, that equates to three in every class room. I[…]

To the Girl on Her Cellphone Throughout ‘The Fault in our Stars’

“We should be fortunate to be alive, spending as much time pursuing happiness and putting aside cynicism as possible. We should listen more, not to reply, but to understand. We should pursue relationships because we want to, not because of what others think. And most importantly we should love unconditionally and without shame.” Read the[…]

Faces of Mental Illness

The Benny Fund, an organization committed to raising awareness of mental health issues and eliminating the associated stigma, collaborated on an event with world-renowned American artists Ray & Rhian Ferrer on March 29, 2014. The project, The Real Faces of Mental Illness, is designed to depict, through art, how mental illness indiscriminately affects everyone’s lives.[…]