Do the Mentally Ill Have to Be Extraordinary to Be Accepted?

“Let’s face it: When we see mental illnesses, like bipolar, on television, it’s most often associated with killers, but when mental illness isn’t seen in a negative light, it’s seen as some sort of gift.” Read the Full Article Source: Huffington Post

The Antidepressant Generation

“Antidepressants are an excellent treatment for depression and anxiety. I’ve seen them improve — and sometimes save — many young lives. But a growing number of young adults are taking psychiatric medicines for longer and longer periods, at the very age when they are also consolidating their identities, making plans for the future and navigating[…]

Why Antidepressants Won’t Solve the Depression Epidemic

“Antidepressants have had a role to play in the treatment of depression and they should continue to play a role. But the data suggests that we have been expecting far too much. In fact, when it comes to pondering solutions for depression, we’ve mostly been listening to Prozac. And all this listening has not produced[…]

Faces of Mental Illness

The Benny Fund, an organization committed to raising awareness of mental health issues and eliminating the associated stigma, collaborated on an event with world-renowned American artists Ray & Rhian Ferrer on March 29, 2014. The project, The Real Faces of Mental Illness, is designed to depict, through art, how mental illness indiscriminately affects everyone’s lives.[…]