Mindfulness Based Therapy Prevents Depression Relapse

“The first large study to compare mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT)—a psychological therapy designed to change the way people think and feel about their experiences—with maintenance antidepressant medication suggests that MBCT could offer an alternative to antidepressants for preventing depression relapse. The study investigators aimed to determine whether MBCT with support to taper or discontinue antidepressant[…]

Parenting While Depressed: 10 Things to Remember

“Parenting is difficult enough when you feel fantastic, but when you’re struggling with depression, it can seem downright impossible. It need not be so, though. Experiencing depression doesn’t mean you can’t be an incredible, loving, smart, and effective parent … Don’t hesitate to reach out. Ask for help from your spouse or partner, friends, an extended[…]

Feeling Bipolar Disorder In Your Gut

“Despite the way we’re taught in school, the body doesn’t think of itself as divided up into systems. It doesn’t realize it has a nervous system and an endocrine system, a respiratory system and a digestive system. There is really only one system that has to work together to keep you alive. So it’s unsurprising[…]